Wednesday, May 07, 2008

hardly any agility in this one..

Bob had a little skin tag removed yesterday from the back of his leg.. a yucky but harmless thing that wasn't going to make any potential adoptors love him

Dr Au also clipped his face- now he looks like a funny shaped cocker spaniel - very very cute and goofy

he was so good - it was done under local and he just lay quietly letting them fuss with him - amazing turn around in what had been a grumpy little dog

Monday at the church the dogs (Sally and Brody only Thea stayed home) were excellent and Sally was excellent last night too - more rear crosses and she's getting more and more confident about all the skills too

there is a little twerp in the basement too - recovering in isolation from a virus but he's feeling GREAT and not too happy to be isolated I have to say :)

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